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Project structure using Next.JS, Contentful and Apollo Graphql

For this tutorial we're going to use:

  • Next.js
  • Contentful -> as CMS, to write the articles
  • Apollo Graphql -> to make the communication between Next.JS and Contentful.

All pages are created on build time using Next.js getStaticPaths and getStaticProps for a better performance, and ability to scale the project using CDN.
Before we'll start, make sure you've logged in Contentful, and have already created a space.

1. Clone the repository

You can clone the repository from here or by pasting in the Terminal the following command:

Copy ✂️
git clone https://github.com/EliseiNicolae/Example-Contentful-Next.js-Graphql

After that you need to create .env.local file, where you'll populate them with your Space ID and Content Delivery API - access token:

Copy ✂️

2. Create Content model & Content

Must have 2 content models:

  • Blog Post

blog post content model

  • SEO Metadata

seo metadata content model

3. Install packages

Copy ✂️
npm install

4. Run the project

Copy ✂️
npm run dev
🚀 Enjoy!